Paul Collins was a key member of two bands that anticipated the power-pop explosion of the late seventies : the Nerves and The Beat... In 2005, "Flyin' High" new Paul Collins' album marks a start of a creative period. Browse these pages for additionnal infos...
PAUL COLLINS / Biography
Biography in English. In 1979, Paul Collins & The Beat penned an album which is still considered by many as the best disc of power-pop ever...
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PAUL COLLINS / Discography
The almost complete discography of Paul Collins. Singles and albums with pic sleeves from The Nerves' recordings up to Paul Collins' new solo album. - go to the page...
PAUL COLLINS / Biografía
Biografía en castellano de Paul Collins. Paul Collins es un artista más admirado y conocido en España que en cualquier otro país del planeta - ir a su biografía...
The new full-length solo album from Paul Collins is finally here. The new release is entitled "Flying High" and was recorded in Madrid over the course of four days. - read more...
PAUL COLLINS / Biographie
La biographie en français de Paul Collins. De ses débuts avec The Nerves et avec le Paul Collin's Beat jusqu'à son dernier album solo "Flyin' High" - lire la biographie...
PAUL COLLINS / French Release
Près de 2 ans après sa sortie en Espagne, l'album de Paul Collins "Flying High" est enfin disponible sur le label français MVS Records. - en savoir plus...
PAUL COLLINS / Photos & Pics
Personnal photos and pics of Paul Collins and Patrick Collins shot during a trip to San Sebastian, Spain - (Donostia, Pais Vasco) - in 1985. - see the pics...
PAUL COLLINS / Concert Live
À l'occasion de la sortie française du CD "Flying High", Paul Collins donna un concert au Centre d'Art Contemporain de Mont-de-Marsan (Landes). - lire le compte rendu...
Warning : These pages and their authors are not connected with Paul Collins, The Beat & The Paul Collins' Beat. Graphik Designs site is a personal website not affiliated with Paul Collins' management, The Beat or The Paul Collins' Beat. Paul Collins is not responsible for content displayed on these pages. To get more accurate informations please go to Paul Collins Official website: http://wwww.thepaulcollinsbeat.com