Disclaimer (16 Aug 2005) : Due to "lots of reasons" Carl Van Breukelen have decided to discontinue the Fan Mael website. The Fan Mael site won't be updated anymore. As the latest news and gossip can nowadays be found at the Official Sparks website, better go www.allsparks.com for news and forums, just see Fan Mael website as a piece of Sparks history.
When Carl van Breukelen, Ruud Swart and Stef Streur started Fan Mael there was nothing else Sparks related and now there is more than enough about Sparks on the internet. All three were heavily devoted fans since 1974 and FanMael became THE great reference tool with loads of hard to get infos on there (most of informations regarding Sparks on this website - Graphik Designs - came from FanMael website).
As Carl Van Breukelen simply doesn't have the time to keep the Fan Mael site up with all collectors-only goodies, and as loads of people simply think that is/was his only duty to keep people informed. Carl Van Breukelen has to give up - simply no time enough. As there are now so many other sites promoting Sparks - and the official one overruling any of them - Carl Van Breukelen has decided there is no more place for FanMael.