Ron Mael & Russell Mael have been the constant factor in Sparks. The first incarnation of the band was called Halfnelson. Discover Sparks' early years thru these pages...
Ron Mael & Russell Mael formed Halfnelson, way back in 1969. Halfnelson was a trio, including friend electro-whizz Earle Mankey on guitar. - read more...
HALFNELSON / Unreleased Demo
The Halfnelson's demo Lp consisted of twelve songs, all written by the Maels, which was sent out to record companies. Later this demo turned up on a bootleg. - read more...
SPARKS / Concerts
After the release of their first album, Halfnelson played some live gigs but the band had some trouble in attempting live versions of some of their songs. - read more...
HALFNELSON / Halfnelson Lp
Halfnelson decided to use an old promotional photo with a model in an automobile for their first album cover. The story of this cover by Harley Feinstein. - read more...
SPARKS / American Bandstand
When the single "Wonder Girl" was released Sparks appeared on Dick Clark's American Bandstand TV show aired the 29 th of July 1972.
SPARKS / Bearsville reissue Lp
Halfnelson changed their name to Sparks. The Lp was revamped with a more obvious cover and a single was released from the re-issued album. - read more...
MAELS / Urban Renewal Project
One year before Halfnelson, the Maels brothers had been in Urban Renewal Project. At least one song was recorded with the band : "Computer Girl" - read more...
SPARKS / Second Bearsville Lp
Sparks' "A Woofer In Tweeter's Clothing" was produced by James Lowe. If the band do have a European influence, it's to be found on this record. - read more...
SPARKS / First European Tour
In November 1972 Sparks attempted their first assault to Europe. The band played in England, Switzerland & Holland. Some infos by Harley Feinstein. - read more...
SPARKS / The blurred cover
Strangely the band decided to put a blurred shot on the original front cover of "A Woofer In Tweeter's Clothing" Lp. The story by Harley Feinstein. - read more...
SPARKS / In Aloha Magazine
A review by Constant Meijers & Ruud Swart first published on line by FanMael website - Published here by courtesy of Carl Van Breukelen. - read the review...
SPARKS / Complete Discography
Halfnelson/Sparks' singles & albums with pic sleeves. The almost complete discography listed by Christophe "Dr Outerspace" Horlin from Belgium. - read more...
SPARKS / Fan Mael Website
FanMael was the reference tool with loads of hard to get infos on there. But recently Carl Van Breukelen have decided to discontinue the website. - read more...
SPARKS / Sources of informations
Most of informations regarding Sparks on this website were obtained from a review by Joseph Fleury printed into "2 Originals Of Sparks" booklet. - read more...
SPARKS / Band members bios
Ron Mael, Russell Mael, Earle Mankey, James "Jim" Mankey & Harley A. Feinstein were members of the first incarnation of Sparks and played on Bearsville albums.
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SPARKS / Associates bios
Mendelsohn & Oswald played with Halfnelson. Todd Rundgren & James Lowe produced Sparks' Lps, Albert Grossman was the owner of Bearsville Records.
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SPARKS 1973-1974
Sparks Kimono My House album
SPARKS 1974-1975
Sparks Propaganda album
SPARKS 1976-1977
the Maels moved to New York
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